Reconciliation Week 2021

Gurumba bigi JSACP Families,

Reconciliation Australia’s theme for 2021 was – More than a word. Reconciliation takes action. It’s an important reminder that we all have a role to play when it comes to reconciliation.

At JSACP we want to build a community that values Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, cultures & futures. This is something we actively strive to embed all year around, but we were certainly excited to plan something special to mark this important week.

We know that many of our children are very active learners and embedding learning opportunities in moments of physical activity is a fantastic way to promote diverse learning opportunities. With that in mind, we were thrilled to welcome back Dusty from Dream Time Games. Dusty ran an Indigenous games session that got our little ones active and gave the JSACP community an insight into both the past and present cultural heritage of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Dusty had a wonderful way of weaving learning into play. Tennis balls became “spears”, yoga balls became kangaroos and off we went on a journey to learn about popular traditional Indigenous games. A great deal of fun was had by all involved, and we’ve already had requests for Dusty to return for another session.

Accompanying this highlight were many other activities during the week to foster creative expression and conversation. This is something we’re looking forward to continuing throughout the year. We’d love to hear your thoughts on ways we can continue this learning, so please drop us a line at